Sunday, May 30, 2010


Well, that everyday thing worked out well, huh? It was one hell of a week on every front. I am just waking up from a migraine. Looks like maybe I finally found one that makes them go away. I wish I could find one that works AND does not put me to sleep. But I do not feel all groggy and out of it like I have with other meds I have tried, so this might be a worthy solution.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Ninety five degrees today! I love this beautiful weather, and am so looking forward to seeing how the summer unfolds.

I am paranoid, as are many of my co-workers, that I will lose my job any day now, but whatever happens, I will be OK. How could anyone be miserable in the sunshine?

I am going to write something, anything, every day now. I need to stretch my writing muscles.